An Important Reminder About Holiday Food Safety For Pets

Holiday food safety for pets.

Fragrant gravy ladled over a steaming mound of mashed potatoes, crisp and golden turkey skins, vibrantly colored cranberry sauce that’s both sweet and tart. If your mouth is watering just thinking about a traditional holiday meal, you can imagine how excited your pet becomes when his or her heightened senses picks up on the aromas of the Thanksgiving and other winter holiday dinners.

It’s tempting to slip a morsel or two to a begging pet, or to nod off after a big meal before putting away the leftovers or taking out the trash, but we can be sure that our pets haven’t overlooked any of these temptations. As delicious as our holiday foods are, some of them pose serious risks to our pets.

Before the holiday season is in full swing is the perfect time to bone up on the principles of food safety for pets.


From the Beach to the Boardwalk: A Guide to Pet-Friendly Destinations in Oakhurst, NJ

A dachshund lounging on the beach.

There’s nothing better than heading out on an adventure with your pet. Luckily for you and your pooch, there are plenty of pet-friendly destinations in and around Oakhurst, NJ. The team at Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital rounded up the best spots to explore with your furry friend. 


‘Tis the Season! The Best Gifts for Pet Lovers

The best gifts for pet lovers.

Whether you are an early shopper or leave it to the last minute, finding the perfect present for the people in your life can be challenging. Your friends at Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital want to help you choose the best gifts for pet lovers so you can focus less on shopping and instead focus on enjoying the season.


Turkey Bones, Plastic Toys, and Holiday Pet Safety Rules for New Owners

Holiday pet safety.

The first holiday season with your new pet is bound to be one you’ll remember forever. From holiday feasts to visits with Santa, there are many ways to cherish the season with your new furry friend. While we want you and your newly adopted pet to enjoy all the season has to offer, we also want to make sure you keep holiday pet safety in mind so everyone can enjoy the season without issue.


Home Decor & Seasonal Trends Not Safe for Pets

dog and halloween decorations.

There is so much to love about the fall season and all that it brings. Cozy sweaters, fall leaves, pet Halloween costumes, and decorating the house to celebrate are just a few. However, many of these decorations are temptations for your furry family members that may cause them harm. Here at Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital, we want you to celebrate the fall season with your pet’s safety in mind. Here are some home decor and seasonal decorating trends that are not safe for pets. 


Preparing Pets for Halloween

By Karen Fazio, CDBC

preparing pets for halloween in Oakhurst.

Each Halloween our pets witness very weird situations… adults and children begin sprouting objects from their bodies (hats, cloaks, sticks, candy bags), friendly faces morph into strangers (masks and makeup), and they hear all sorts of odd sounds. One of the spookiest experiences for most is the monsters who threaten to enter the pet’s homes in search of candy. Many pet owners wonder how can I keep my dog or cat safe on Halloween?

Halloween is a fun thrill for most of us, but it can be a really scary experience for a lot of household pets. This is especially true if these pets weren’t exposed to similar experiences while preparing pets for Halloween in a pleasant way when they were puppies or kittens. For example, if a cat was given candy by a costumed guest during the socialization period (8- 12-weeks for dogs, 2-7 weeks for cats) may never be frightened of costumed youngsters as an adult. However, if the pet wasn’t afforded proper socialization, it will likely grow up to be terrified or even aggressive in response to such experiences.


Pumpkin Spice Pets: Fall Treats for Your Furry Friends

Healthy pet treats.

You know it’s Fall when the weather begins to cool off, the leaves begin to change colors, and suddenly, pumpkin spice is everywhere! Pumpkin spice is a fun fall flavor that is included in many human treats, and naturally, pet owners want their furry friends to partake in the fun as well. While we don’t recommend feeding your dog or cat a pumpkin spice latte, the team at Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital put together this list of pet safe fall-themed treats for them to enjoy! 

Pet Safe Fall-Themed Treats 

Believe it or not, several of the fall flavors that we humans enjoy can also be shared with our pets! Ingredients such as apples, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and more can be a safe and healthy dog treat, as long as they are prepared properly. As with anything, be sure to serve these treats and snacks in moderation. Too much of any of these ingredients could cause an upset tummy for your pup and should not be used as a meal replacement. 

Also, keep in mind when preparing DIY pet treats and preparing for a pet-safe Halloween, to avoid ingredients such as chocolate, xylitol, and other artificial sweeteners. These can be toxic and dangerous for your pets. 


The Heart of the Matter: Valentine’s Day Pet Safety

dog licking wine glass

While Jack Frost may be nipping at our toes, February also brings with it the sweet scent of love in the air. We are, of course, referring to Valentine’s Day. Whether you are coupled or not, chances are there is at least one love in your life to snuggle with this Valentine’s Day: your pet. 

From kitten purrs to playful pups, your pets’ paw prints have likely made a lasting impression on your heart. For this reason, and so many others, the staff at Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital knows how heartbreaking it would be, should your sweet pet fall victim to the dangers this day can bring. 

From chocolates and flowers to candles and feasts, perils and pitfalls for pets abound come the days surrounding February 14, which is why understanding the finer points of Valentine’s Day pet safety is a must for people and their pets. 


When It Comes to Easter Pet Safety, Put All Your Eggs in One Basket 

dog with easter costume

This time of year is simply resplendent, but despite all the sunshine and colorful blossoms, the weeks leading up to – and directly following – Easter can present certain risks to pet health.

In order to fully enjoy all that the spring has to offer, pet owners have some pretty serious legwork ahead. But the more ground you cover, the more effective your approach to Easter pet safety. 

Not a Good Time for a Pet Emergency

The truth is, it’s always frightening when a pet needs emergency care. But it’s far worse when you have family obligations during the major holidays of the year. Preparing ahead of time for Easter pet safety will not only lower your pet’s risk, it will help to keep you calm should an accident occur.


Finally! Trending Pet Costumes That Make Halloween (Almost) Worth Waiting For

dog wearing halloween costume

For Halloween enthusiasts, it can be torture to wait 365 days until the next haunted house, corn maze, or costume parade. Fortunately, we usually don’t have to wait that long anymore. We can order pumpkin spice lattes in August or stock up on trick or treat candy long before September’s over. 

Having extra time to enjoy the season is good news for pet owners committed to making this Halloween a special one for their four-legged friend. And while pet costumes must be approached with caution, they really are the cutest things (provided your pet tolerates them). So, what’s on point this fall? 
