Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital
Adult Pet Care
At Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital, caring for adult pets involves not only proper nutrition, exercise, vaccinations, and parasite prevention, it also means keeping a vigilant eye on changes in health status. Our adult pet wellness regimen includes measures to ensure we catch any small changes before they become bigger, more serious issues.

Adult Wellness
Caring for adult pets involves comprehensive attention to nutrition, exercise, vaccinations, and parasite prevention. Regular wellness exams are vital for detecting early signs of illness and maintaining optimal health.
Adult Health Exams
Adult pets age faster than humans and may conceal signs of discomfort or illness. We recommend bi-annual wellness checkups to monitor their health closely. During these visits, our veterinarians conduct thorough examinations to identify any potential health issues early on.
Pet Nutritional Counseling
One of the leading causes of disease in pets is obesity. At Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital, specific dietary recommendations are made to help your pet achieve and maintain his or her ideal weight.
If you’re wondering how much your pet should weigh, body condition scoring and morphometric measurements can be helpful, as well as the American Animal Hospital Association’s weight management guidelines.
Parasite Prevention
Detecting and preventing parasites is an important step in protecting your pet from a number of serious diseases and conditions. The veterinarians of Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital will assist you in determining which preventive measures to take for your pet’s age, species, and breed.
Our adult pet wellness regimen includes measures to ensure we catch any small changes before they become bigger, more serious issues.