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Vaccinating and Protecting Your Pet

Vaccinating your pet means controlling and preventing the spread of dangerous diseases—among both animals and people. While not every pet needs every vaccine, there is a set of core dog and cat vaccinations that we typically recommend. Our veterinarians also make personalized suggestions based on your pet’s age, lifestyle, and overall health. At

Parasite Prevention

At Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital, our goal is to help your pet live a long, full life, and detecting and preventing parasites is a crucial part of this plan. From mites that live on the skin or in the ears to the more common fleas and ticks, our veterinarians can help you determine the best preventive measures for your pet’s age, breed, and lifestyle.

dog and puppy

Common parasites that we address include:

  • Tick-borne illness—The northeastern United States is a hotbed for tick-transmitted diseases such as Lyme, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Symptoms often do not surface until it’s too late. Annual testing is a quick and easy way to prevent these diseases from harming your pet.
  • Heartworm testing—We recommend all dogs be tested for heartworm once a year, and that both dogs and cats remain on a monthly preventive year-round.
  • Intestinal parasites—Many intestinal parasites threaten the health of both your pet and your family. Fortunately, roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and other intestinal parasites can be detected with a simple fecal screening.